Alamo RCD Farm to Fork Initiative and Area Food Councils
Our mission brings with it the challenge of making our rural communities the best that they can be. One basic need in our rural areas is to be able to connect farmers and the wonderful food and fiber that they produce, with the public that needs it. With that in mind we have created our "Farm to Fork" initiative.
Our Farm to Fork Initiative has a goal of connecting rural communities together so that the food cycle, from farm and garden to those in need, will flow with ease.
In this initiative we encourage Farmers Markets, purchase of locally grown foods, vegetables and other locally produced products. We are currently active members of the Kendall County Food Council, the Bandera County Food Council and the Frio County Food Council. Multiple community agencies such as schools, churches, nonprofits, county agencies, health agencies, grocery chains, county and city officials local farmers, ranchers, community gardens, back yard gardeners and other interested citizens come together within these councils to evaluate the needs of the community and how to bring locally grown products to them.
Alamo RCD is proud to be a part of these groups! We provide information on the status of farm and ranch productivity, connect farmers and ranchers to programs that will uplift their productivity and sustainability, make community connections, provide online and workshop training and make online and internet communications easier for all involved.
Alamo Resource Conservation & Development Area Inc.
Protecting our Environment and Enhancing our Communities
Bandera County Food Council
This council was established in the fall of 2014. The Bandera County community has realized the need for a Food Council due to the increased food insecurity among the county population of all ages. The council is made up of multiple agencies such as Alamo RC&D, Bandera Bullitin, Bandera United Methodist Church, Bandera Boys & Girls Club, Department of Social & Health Services, Faith Tabernacle Food Pantry, Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries, Lakehills Library, Lakehills United Methodist Church, Methodist Health Care Ministries Wesley Nurse Program, San Antonio Food Bank, St. Stanislaus Church, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Medina Lake Betterment Association Senior Lunch Director, Bandera Farmer's Market, Bandera County Commissioner Pct. 1, Bandera County Extension Agent and Helping Hands of Bandera.
We meet on the even months at various locations. Contact the Silver Sage Senior Center, Art Crawford at [email protected] for meeting information.

Kendall County Food Council
This council was established in 2012 and it has provided many wonderful services for the Boerne Area since its beginnings. The Kendall County community is an area of Texas with many opportunities and has a high per-capita income but there are also those who are food insecure and in poverty and crisis. For example, Hill Country Family Services provides for over 400 families monthly and the school system has over 1700 children on the free lunch program. Due to these needs the KC Food council has been working hard to help children and those of all ages who are suffering from food insecurity within the Boerne area. The council is made up of multiple agencies such as Alamo RC&D, Hill Country Family Services, Boerne Family YMCA, Kronkosky Place (Rainbow Senior Center), Cibolo Nature Center, Boerne Independent School District Nutrition Director, Methodist Healthcare Ministries Wesley Nurse, Blessings in a Back Pack~Boerne Chapter, Department of Health & Human Services, San Antonio Food Bank, Kendall County Extension Agent, St. John Lutherine Church and multiple other churches and agencies.
Currently the KC Food Council is concentrating on its Summer Food Program for Hungry Kids within the Boerne area. They have created an initiative as the Boerne Community Coalition which is a group of concerned agencies and citizens who are grouping together this summer to help feed children within the community at various locations within the area of Boerne. (See the web page below for more information) Volunteers and donations are needed at this time.

Alamo RC&D Area Inc.
Mailing Address:
215 W. Bandera Rd. Suite 114-456
Boerne, Texas 78006
Serving Central Texas as an IRS Designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductable as per current tax law.
Kendall County Food Council
Bandera County Food Council/FT 52 Food Pantry
September 2015 Hunger Action Month

Frio County Food Council
According to Frio County Census Records, Feeding America’s “Map The Meal Gap” and County School Reports, Frio County has over 24% of its population in poverty creating a high food insecurity rate for local communities. That is more than 4,500 individuals (of which 2700 are children and youth) in Frio County who may not have adequate access to nutritious food on a regular basis. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as “a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.” This means that families, children, the elderly do not know where their next meal is coming from or if they will have a meal at all. The Frio County Food Council, established in late 2014, came together to examine food insecurity in Frio County and to work collaboratively among many different social service agencies to address it. Our group includes people from local nonprofits, schools, agricultural agencies, churches, local government agencies, and interested individuals who meet regularly in Pearsall, Texas.
The purpose of the Frio County Food Council is to support food security in Frio County by creating a sustainable county-wide food system that will be available to those in need through education, communication and collaboration among local social service agencies. (Established 02-23-16)

Alamo RCD's Growing Rural Youth Garden Program teaches kids and their families how to grow their own food!
Farmers Markets, Food Cooperatives and More!
Alamo RCD supports our farmers and ranchers who strive to sell their produce on the local market. Local Farmers Markets help to bring fresh farm products, fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products to their local community as they also enhance the appreciation of agriculture and the environment, promote good health and provide opportunities for local entrepreneurship. We want to help you!
Upon membership in Alamo RCD, your Farmers Market within our 10 county area, will receive online promotions on our social net pages (and we have many!) so as to encourage local patrons to come to your market! Other services are also available through our Fees for Service under our Community Development Program. Please contact us at [email protected] for more info.